Saturday, March 12, 2011


Some background information about this story. Kevin's friend comes over every weekend. He has missed two weekends this year, Valentine's because I told Kevin I wanted to spend time with him and two weekends ago when his friend lost a bet to his wife. Every Saturday this man comes over and he is at my house from whatever time him and Kevin agree on (11am, 12pm, etc.) until at least 10pm but usually midnight or 1am. Every weekend he comes over to pay the game with Kevin. His friend, Jason, has horrible internet service and uses us and ours to get a great connection on the game and play with Kevin. Jason is loud. Kevin says I am loud but I swear if our neighbors complain we would get kicked out of the apartment because of how loud Jason is. Jason passes gas all of the time, so much so, I now leave air freshener around my house, especially for when he comes to visit.
Jason is the one who wants him and his wife to move in when our current roommate moves out....umm Hell No! He also is the one Kevin buys food for when he comes over because he can't afford it. Well that is not my fault or problem. So needless to say, I am tired of Jason. I like to have my apartment to myself. I like to spend time with Kevin on the weekends and relax. Neither of us has to go to work. Neither of us have anything pressing to do and we are not running errands together. Kevin and I could just enjoy each others company....but we can't. Jason comes over all the time. So now Kevin has decided they will go to a store and play video games together. He doesn't get the save money concept or just hang out with me concept. He makes plans with Jason and then says. "Oh well I have to check with my wife first to make sure." Then when I say no I'm painted to be the bad person.
I understand you help friends out but every week? Since we have moved here we've been helping Jason out. He may drive to our apartment (honestly, not being stuck up, our apartment is nicer than his) but we have paid for his meals, Kevin had bought him games and other things because Jason does not have the money. Umm, I lost my job and we do not have the money. We still owe my parents money and he is worried about his friend. I understand if it was a good friend but honestly Jason isn't. He called up hours after our wedding saying he forgot we were getting married that day. (He kept trying to get married before us and it did not work out. And he knew about the date for months so he forgot his friend who buys him a lot was getting married? I don't believe it.) Of all the things we have bought Jason he has bought us a pizza and some tacos. Nothing more. He uses us for our internet and when he comes over, he eats all the food here. Kevin has to help his mom out because he can't get over there to do it himself. Jason lost his job, due to his own actions and now his wife and him have no one to really help them and support them. I feel for them but I am not their parent. They both have families still living and they put themselves in that situation.
I lost my job and did everything I could to keep it. I have been looking for a job and I have support of my family. I have wonderful friends. So good that I was in one's wedding and she paid for my dress, hair, makeup and when I went on vacation her and husband and her sister and her husband came to visit me. They bought my dinner and drinks. Why? Because they knew I was struggling. I had money but since all 4 of them worked they helped me out. They are selfless and have such great hearts. The main difference between Jason and me with those situations...I did not take advantage. I made a budget of what I could spend to hang out with my friends. My parents gave me money to pay for what I needed so I could enjoy myself. I was willing to pay and I am thankful and grateful they are my friends. I would do anything for them and know without a doubt they would do the same for me.
Jason is not that kind of person, however. I can't say he would be there if something happened to Kevin. So sorry I got way off point. Back to Jason coming over. I told Kevin every other weekend Jason could come over. I should have said that when he does not come over you don't see him. Kevin decided to call around to see where him and Jason could go play every Saturday. He's willing to pay and I say he as in Kevin because Jason won't offer to pay. He'll expect Kevin to pay for it all and he pay nothing. Then on top of that, Kevin will pay for food for him and Jason. Now, I know I may go out and pay for myself but I only pay for friends who help me out when they have it, friends who would do the same for me. I have a big heart but I won't get taken advantage of. I told Kevin he could just hang out with his friends because I'm so annoyed I don't care anymore. I told him he could do whatever with anyone and he said he would give me the ring back because it is not a marriage. I'm going to be starting classes 2 days a weeknight plus my dance class on a separate weeknight and then if I get a job on top of all of that...when would Kevin and I see each other? You say the weekends but I'll have to do volunteer rescue on the weekends which are 12 hour shifts. So then that means Kevin and I will see each other...? Who knows. I told him don't sit there saying he was gonna miss me and what was he gonna do without me there. He makes me feel guilty for going out to observe a shift or work at rescue but he is sitting home chilling with his friend or his game.
I think I've been a good wife. I haven't complained as much as most wives may about her husbands friends being over every weekend. I'm not like his wife who really doesn't want Kevin over and complains every weekend to Jason along with calling every hour to "check" on Jason. I know plenty of wives who would not even let their husbands have as many games as Kevin has. He could look for a second job or a job where he works more than 3 days a week. I don't pressure him about it. I let him have it easy. It does affect us and our lives. We need the money. We need something to support us. We have bills that need to be paid. Yet I don't pressure him about that. He tells his friends when we argue about them and what I say. I don't do that. He sees me as the bad person because I don't want his friend over EVERY WEEKEND!! And when I try to mention something to him, he says I never told him that before. Which is not true. I tell him but he does not listen to me when I talk. I say something to him and he doesn't acknowledge that I was talking to him. When I ask him if he heard me he gets annoyed that I asked him that. I told him if he acknowledged that I talked to him in the first place, I wouldn't have to ask.
I'm so frustrated with it all. He needs to listen and not tell people what I say. I think Kevin is lucky that I don't jump down his back about this stuff. It affects our lives. I am at least working towards being a better person. I could be worst and tell him I don't want his friends over and I don't want him hanging out with them and playing the game. I don't. So let me ask you, am I wrong? I know this story goes all over the place so if you need clarification I will clarify but am I wrong? I don't think so.

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