Sunday, November 6, 2011

What a lovely morning. I hope you remembered to set your clocks back. While most other people are sleeping and enjoying that extra hour, I am up taking calls. Well, I have no choice because if you call 9-1-1 and it is in my area, I will be there. So....everyone else is sleeping and I am awake.
Oh well. I am closer to be released although I am recognized in the state of Virginia as an EMT-Basic already. Sweet!
On another note, I have a job! I am so excited. I am not working in a daycare anymore. I work for the City and the Dept. of EMS. Tell me that is not can't! I love it and I am so excited.
Well off to work.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Loving the Life

Soo...I last posted in March. I became a little busy with some changes and now I am back to posting...more so than every 6-8 months. Well let's talk about what happened.
In April, I started EMT classes. I met people I now love, some I don't and I found a passion in life. In Virginia Beach all of the EMT-Bs are volunteers and so are most of the medics. Although I don't get paid I love what I do. I help save people's lives and I help when people are hurt. It is a great feeling. I love this part of my life. I could talk about the people I help and some of the stupid calls....well that is coming just not know.
I found a job in May but it is working at a daycare and I am not a fan. It pays, 1/2 of what I used to make but whatever. It pays some bills and all. I do have 2 interviews which is awesome to me!! I am so happy. For the interviews. I am loving that part. There is hope I will find a job.
I am not loving the fact my husband seems to not support me or care about the fact I found something I love. That is the part of my life I do not love. He seems to get pissed about me and doing all of the EMT things that I do. Sad. :( He did not even seemed thrilled when I found out I had an interview. That was really hard to me. He knew I had been looking and then to not care. I really think he hates the fact that I am an EMT. I am gone 12 hours a day, 4 days a month-at least, and I can only run on the weekends because that is when I am available.
Well, there will be more, but not tonight. So excited that I am in a happier place. Now to get my husband there with me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Are People Really That Stupid?

Is it just me or are people really this stupid? Everyone made a huge deal about Bill Clinton getting BJ's from Monica Lewisnky (if I spelled it right). He lied to us about cheating yes, but he did a great job with the country. George W. Bush lied to us about Weapons of Mass Destruction. He got us into a war we should not have gone to or started. He turned this country upside down and everyone thinks he was great? Now we have President Obama trying to be honest and people think he a bad president and should not be reelected?
Are people really that stupid? He did not get us into this war, he has been trying to get us out. He did not get the country into this horrible economic mess, he is trying to get us out. He has been nothing but honest and that makes people blame him and say he should not be back? He is trying to make health care better for us (especially those of us who can not afford it) and it is constantly the poor people who look like they need the health care the most who think it is a bad idea. Are people really this stupid?
Canada would be happy to have our President. Why do Americans want the country to go to a worst place than what it is. Has anyone noticed that since the Republicans took over everything but the Presidency they have made President Obama's life a living hell. They won't approve anything. Why do they and others not like him as much? It is sad to say but I do think it is because of his color. People did not make such a big deal previously with such issues. People now, blatantly disrespect the President in public and  he represents our country. I did not like George W. but I never disrespected him. Why are people so stupid in thinking our current President is trying to harm us? And people are really dumb enough to think he was not born in the US?
People really are this stupid? It is sad to say but yes. They let the color of a man's skin and his honesty affect them. We finally have a good man leading us and no one can see that. Let's listen to what the media and FOX tell us. They can never lie to us. Bill O'Reilly knows what he is talking about. Let's be real people. These people make so much money that they want what is best for them and that is not who is office now. The President now is for the people not for the money. People are so stupid that by the time someone else gets in office and screws them, they will be looking for President Obama again and wishing he was still in office.
Maybe I'll move to another country where the people are sensible and respectable. Maybe I'll be a northern neighbor!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I thought I came to a compromise with Kevin. His friend could come over every other week, we are not paying for his food or picking him up, etc. So this was his week which Kevin stated he does not go by that. That is fine. But his friend wanted us to pick him up. And oh he'll give us $10. Gas is $3.45 a gallon. He lives 15 minutes, at least, away. I compromised that we would drive him home. That trip was not going to happen twice today.
He did not want to bring his game with him on the bus. I told Kevin, I thought we were watching movies all day. I was being nice inviting his friend to join us. Now today Kevin informs me we are not going to watch movies the whole day, maybe just one or two. Wow. Well, now we have to wait for his friend because yes, he was taking the bus. I have to use gas money on you to bring you home and get myself back here. Your $10 you can use on yourself and buy yourself some food because we are not buying anything for you and I'm not cooking anything for you. I thought it was nice of me to let him come over while we are going to watch movies and to give him a ride home. We have our own bills and I have no children right now. This guy takes advantage of Kevin and he won't be doing it of me. You are grown, married and live on your own with your wife.  If you need help, do like I did and ask your family but don't ask us. We have been struggling before you have and if we can just afford our stuff and we still have bills, we are not going to be offering to help you.
I compromised. Now, grow up and act like a man. If you don't have money, stay you butt at home and stop coming over to my place. Yes, my place is better, I have furniture, food, and a nice tv. I understand that. Understand I like my apartment too and it works when it is used by me without you here on the weekends.
Now compromise and spend time with your wife instead of my husband.

Friday, March 25, 2011

NCAA Basketball

Well I love basketball. One thing I have noticed that is different between the men and women....fouls and acting. The men look for fouls at all times. They shoot balls they would not shoot otherwise and if they don't get the call they look at the ref like, "I was fouled. Why did you not call it?" I can not stand that. You are there for a game. Play like you are not going to get any calls. Stop looking for the official to call something because it looks sad. If you need a call, you are not that good. Just play the game.
The acting is ridiculous too. These player flop and fall to the ground just to get a charge or pushing call. Sometimes it works (like SDSU vs. UCONN) and other times it does not. It looks sad. You have to fall to the grown and act like you were really hit? Seriously? Is that the standard now? It is sad. Kemba Walker did that and it got a technical call against SDSU. Not fair and not right. To me it is pathetic.
If I coached, or when I do, I would not and will not tolerate it. My players will play like no fouls are going to be called at all. If they look for a foul or fall to the ground (unless it is a charge, which to get the call you have to fall to the ground almost 100% of the time and you will fall if you are taking the charge) then I will and would pull them. People play basketball because they love sport. I wish we could just get back to watching people play basketball because they love it, and they play and stop worrying about calls.
Will that day come back soon? I hope so because I keep getting more and more pissed every time I see people fake that they were fouled or act like they were hit. If people can get their teeth knocked out, get scratched and bleed or get a broken nose and keep playing, you should be able to as well.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

4th and 2nd lovely

So it is the 4th Sunday overall and the 2nd Saturday in a row without Kevin's friend. We were going to go to a performance but groceries and basketball won out! Either way, it was just us. No screaming from a man who is getting beat in the game by his friends. Only screaming from Kevin. No one taking our money for food or eating the food we have in the house. Such a lovely Saturday.
We could relax, sleep in late and just enjoy the weather, life and each other. Kevin was chef and made breakfast. I haven't had a breakfast made by him in I don't know how long. I even was bartender and made drinks for Kevin. His famous or infamous pina colada with a secret ingredient. I don't want to give it away. He loved it so it was a success. I loved experimenting with drinks. Last weekend the drinks were too strong for Kevin. He enjoyed this one. And I made a dip too! No reason why except I saw a recipe, it looked good and made me want to. Too bad I need some more items so I can bake too! (Maybe tomorrow I can get those.)
I woke up and worked out. It was not as hardcore as my Monday-Friday but it works for the weekend. At least I am working out. I should have slept in and worked out later but I didn't. Oh well too bad!
I told Kevin we need some more friends down here. We don't really have a group of people we hang out with. When we get together with someone, except for our neighbor (while her husband was out at sea) we don't really go out. And I'm not going out with his friends. I'm excited his friend did not come over and that our roommate did not come home. Those are not the people we need to hang out with and associate with. It'd just be nice to have someone to call up and go visit or go out and eat or they come over for drinks and appetizers.
Maybe everything will work out one day soon for us! Until then we will keep living and I'll keep enjoying the fact that I had another Saturday of no guests and no money spent on guests who came over to visit. So lovely!

Friday, March 18, 2011

At Ease

I love these days. You wake up to the sun shining and the birds chirping. You smile knowing that the weather is going to make it a gorgeous day. I then proceeded to get ready to work out at the gym. In working out, I met a nice lady with whom I bonded with. She is more like a mother figure to me but it is so refreshing to meet nice people who just want to know about you and work out with you. Too bad after that I had to laundry with Kevin and we missed having lunch with a friend but we have priorities and since laundry was put off a day, we couldn't have fun until after.We came home and put everything away and our bedroom looks so much better. No clutter of clothes all over or piling up out of the hamper. Then we ran errands and ended it with a frozen treat -Rita's!!
I don't enjoy the errands and the chores but the gorgeous day...I do! We opened our windows and smelled the fresh air. You know it's lovely when a hornet tries to attack you and come for a ride in your car. (I did not enjoy that either.) I could go out without a sweatshirt. I wore flip flops. I loved it. And...I have to mention it again since it is 100% official. I have now paid off my car loan and my credit cards and I canceled my credit cards. No more high APR, or annual fee. I think that makes it all better. Too bad that now I remembered I have to pay for the car insurance and AAA. Well at least I can relax for a couple of weeks and be at ease!
Have a Happy Friday! Watch some NCAA basketball. I love March Madness and even though my brackets were messed up on the first day, I am still at ease and I still love this time of year for this alone!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hi St. Patrick's Day

Every year since I've been 21 and especially since I became old enough to have a job and drink I wanted to celebrate St. Patty's Day. This year was going to be the year. I finally made plans with someone and others were going to come. We were going to have fun. I wasn't going to have to work horrible hours. It was too good to be true. Unfortunately, the person I was going to party with got sick. No partying for us! Oh well. I will make my own drinks and sit back and enjoy St. Patty's day.
So to get the sad news out now too. It was also bought to my attention via facebook that one of my great uncles died. He became really sick this past year and the last few days just got worst. At least he is out of his pain. The sad part is, my dad was one of his nephews. My dad found out from me about his death. My cousins posted it and my dad's sisters never even called to tell him. Sad when you have to find out critical information via facebook and not from a phone call.
On to the good news. Today, also St. Patrick's day, I paid off my car loan! And my credit card is paid off after 2 years and I canceled it. I am so excited. Now, my only debt is from my student loan that I had to defer. Sad that I had to part with close to $3800 so quickly but now, I can focus on saving money and just paying necessary bills. I am so excited.
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. I keep singing that song to myself!
Now all of this happiness. If I could just get Kevin to see his friend is parasitic and taking advantage and he needs to ditch him! I'll have to just settle on two of my major bills being paid off this year instead thanks to Kevin letting me take most of our income money!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Some background information about this story. Kevin's friend comes over every weekend. He has missed two weekends this year, Valentine's because I told Kevin I wanted to spend time with him and two weekends ago when his friend lost a bet to his wife. Every Saturday this man comes over and he is at my house from whatever time him and Kevin agree on (11am, 12pm, etc.) until at least 10pm but usually midnight or 1am. Every weekend he comes over to pay the game with Kevin. His friend, Jason, has horrible internet service and uses us and ours to get a great connection on the game and play with Kevin. Jason is loud. Kevin says I am loud but I swear if our neighbors complain we would get kicked out of the apartment because of how loud Jason is. Jason passes gas all of the time, so much so, I now leave air freshener around my house, especially for when he comes to visit.
Jason is the one who wants him and his wife to move in when our current roommate moves out....umm Hell No! He also is the one Kevin buys food for when he comes over because he can't afford it. Well that is not my fault or problem. So needless to say, I am tired of Jason. I like to have my apartment to myself. I like to spend time with Kevin on the weekends and relax. Neither of us has to go to work. Neither of us have anything pressing to do and we are not running errands together. Kevin and I could just enjoy each others company....but we can't. Jason comes over all the time. So now Kevin has decided they will go to a store and play video games together. He doesn't get the save money concept or just hang out with me concept. He makes plans with Jason and then says. "Oh well I have to check with my wife first to make sure." Then when I say no I'm painted to be the bad person.
I understand you help friends out but every week? Since we have moved here we've been helping Jason out. He may drive to our apartment (honestly, not being stuck up, our apartment is nicer than his) but we have paid for his meals, Kevin had bought him games and other things because Jason does not have the money. Umm, I lost my job and we do not have the money. We still owe my parents money and he is worried about his friend. I understand if it was a good friend but honestly Jason isn't. He called up hours after our wedding saying he forgot we were getting married that day. (He kept trying to get married before us and it did not work out. And he knew about the date for months so he forgot his friend who buys him a lot was getting married? I don't believe it.) Of all the things we have bought Jason he has bought us a pizza and some tacos. Nothing more. He uses us for our internet and when he comes over, he eats all the food here. Kevin has to help his mom out because he can't get over there to do it himself. Jason lost his job, due to his own actions and now his wife and him have no one to really help them and support them. I feel for them but I am not their parent. They both have families still living and they put themselves in that situation.
I lost my job and did everything I could to keep it. I have been looking for a job and I have support of my family. I have wonderful friends. So good that I was in one's wedding and she paid for my dress, hair, makeup and when I went on vacation her and husband and her sister and her husband came to visit me. They bought my dinner and drinks. Why? Because they knew I was struggling. I had money but since all 4 of them worked they helped me out. They are selfless and have such great hearts. The main difference between Jason and me with those situations...I did not take advantage. I made a budget of what I could spend to hang out with my friends. My parents gave me money to pay for what I needed so I could enjoy myself. I was willing to pay and I am thankful and grateful they are my friends. I would do anything for them and know without a doubt they would do the same for me.
Jason is not that kind of person, however. I can't say he would be there if something happened to Kevin. So sorry I got way off point. Back to Jason coming over. I told Kevin every other weekend Jason could come over. I should have said that when he does not come over you don't see him. Kevin decided to call around to see where him and Jason could go play every Saturday. He's willing to pay and I say he as in Kevin because Jason won't offer to pay. He'll expect Kevin to pay for it all and he pay nothing. Then on top of that, Kevin will pay for food for him and Jason. Now, I know I may go out and pay for myself but I only pay for friends who help me out when they have it, friends who would do the same for me. I have a big heart but I won't get taken advantage of. I told Kevin he could just hang out with his friends because I'm so annoyed I don't care anymore. I told him he could do whatever with anyone and he said he would give me the ring back because it is not a marriage. I'm going to be starting classes 2 days a weeknight plus my dance class on a separate weeknight and then if I get a job on top of all of that...when would Kevin and I see each other? You say the weekends but I'll have to do volunteer rescue on the weekends which are 12 hour shifts. So then that means Kevin and I will see each other...? Who knows. I told him don't sit there saying he was gonna miss me and what was he gonna do without me there. He makes me feel guilty for going out to observe a shift or work at rescue but he is sitting home chilling with his friend or his game.
I think I've been a good wife. I haven't complained as much as most wives may about her husbands friends being over every weekend. I'm not like his wife who really doesn't want Kevin over and complains every weekend to Jason along with calling every hour to "check" on Jason. I know plenty of wives who would not even let their husbands have as many games as Kevin has. He could look for a second job or a job where he works more than 3 days a week. I don't pressure him about it. I let him have it easy. It does affect us and our lives. We need the money. We need something to support us. We have bills that need to be paid. Yet I don't pressure him about that. He tells his friends when we argue about them and what I say. I don't do that. He sees me as the bad person because I don't want his friend over EVERY WEEKEND!! And when I try to mention something to him, he says I never told him that before. Which is not true. I tell him but he does not listen to me when I talk. I say something to him and he doesn't acknowledge that I was talking to him. When I ask him if he heard me he gets annoyed that I asked him that. I told him if he acknowledged that I talked to him in the first place, I wouldn't have to ask.
I'm so frustrated with it all. He needs to listen and not tell people what I say. I think Kevin is lucky that I don't jump down his back about this stuff. It affects our lives. I am at least working towards being a better person. I could be worst and tell him I don't want his friends over and I don't want him hanging out with them and playing the game. I don't. So let me ask you, am I wrong? I know this story goes all over the place so if you need clarification I will clarify but am I wrong? I don't think so.

Friday, March 11, 2011

So sad...

Unfortunately it takes tragic events to let us see that what we think is important in life may not really be. Today news came to us that Japan has had its worst earthquake there ever. The earthquake then caused a tsunami which has affected the West Coast of the US. I look at the pictures and it seems surreal. Almost like a scene out of an action thriller or something. But then I can tell it isn't. You see the fear on people's faces. You see their lives being disrupted. It's so sad.
It makes me think back of the tsunami in 2004 and the Haitian earthquake from last year. We could only hope that things like this stop occurring in our lifetime but it won't. It seems to be getting worst. So many people lost their lives in these events.  Watching the Japanese at the airport on the rooftop reminded me of Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans is still rebuilding from that. I hope Japan will not have as many issues as that.
We go to sleep at night thinking everything is fine because we are in our lovely beds with our comfortable clothes. While we are gong to bed half of the world is waking up getting ready to go to work or wherever. And then in the middle of the night for us, but the middle of the day a whole country's life changes. It doesn't matter the time or the country. What matters is how the rest of the world comes to support the country in need. Once it was the US. Actually, more than once it was the US. Interesting how we feel our lives do not affect others and are not affected by others. It takes something drastic and horrible to show us just how wrong we were.
Seeing such tragedies lets me know I am not invincible and at any time my life can change. It may be I lose my job but I still have all of my possessions. It may be I lose all my material items but I still have my life. Either way, a tragic accident lets me see how lucky I am. It's sad what is happening in the world. I wish mother nature and everything else we can not control did not get as upset as let us go on in our happy lives. Too bad we won't get that wish.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Slowly Coming Together....Resolutions that is

Well, taxes are done! Nice and early so whether the government decides to shut down or not...I'll have my money soon! YAY!! I am doing better. I started Weight Watchers at the end of January and I've lost 17.4 pounds since beginning. I am getting healthier. I push myself to work out whether it is dancing to Zumba via my Kinect or doing any workout with my Kinect really. I make sure I stretch and do ab work on lazy days so I am at least doing something.
I can transfer money to my account and make sure my car loan is paid off. As long as I transfer that money in the next month or so, I will not have to worry about car loan and paying it. The money will be in the account and it'll be paid. I am so excited. And then on top of that, I'll get to pay off my credit card in the next month too! Then I can cancel all my credit cards and only use cash and my debit cards!! I am so excited!!
My resolutions are coming together. I am slowly getting them done. I am even eating healthier. I love my sweets though but I work in my veggies, fruits, portion control! Now all I need is a job. I pray every night. I have a hubby who luckily is letting me take money to pay my bills since I don't have a steady income. Maybe in the next few months he can get something better and I can just get something.
Oh and I am living. I get to dance which I love. I get to go out with friends and eat out or just spend time hanging out. I signed up to become a volunteer EMT and I start class next month. I love how this all seems to be working out. I am going towards a better, healthier me! I'll have my student loan to pay and a couple of bills. I feel okay today. I feel like I am working out my financial issues. And with my emotional and physical issues getting better with my eating, my whole life seems to be better!
Now if we can just pay off my hubby's credit cards. Then life would be great!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wow Oh Wow catch up on things. The roommate and I are talking again. Yay! Or not. But let me tell you he has issues. He has been staying with his girlfriend because when the lease is up he plans on moving out. That is fine. He informed me that his girlfriend does not let him eat fast food because she says it is a waste of money. He also apparently is not allowed to eat hamburgers. This is just his girlfriend....not his wife.
He came home the other day talking about he was going to be here for the next couple of weeks. They got in a big argument and he did not want to share why. That's fine. A rumor from where he works is that he got her pregnant. Oh and did I mention when they argue  he comes back to our apartment with a "friend"? Anyway, he has been here for the past couple of days. I just can't believe he isn't allowed to eat hamburgers or to buy fast food. And he is staying with her.
So...Kevin's friend who comes over every weekend, and I mean EVERY WEEKEND asked Kevin if him and his wife could move in. Haha hell no! I don't like his wife. He is Kevin's friend and he is loud and can be obnoxious. And on top of all of that, he eats all our food. And Kevin now buys him food so he does not eat our food. Ridiculous that Kevin is even buying a grown man food. And 4 adults, 2 married couples in our apartment? I don't even know if we would get the money for rent and electric on time and I don't trust them.
If we were to get another roommate, it needs to not be one of Kevin's friend, someone we both trust, someone who will pay all bills on time and someone who will not have sex loudly.
Wow how things change. We need to do things for ourselves and luckily Kevin told his friend, he didn't think it'd be a good idea for him and his wife to move in. Thank goodness!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I don't back down in an argument. I will especially argue you to the day I die about how my team is the greatest...even when they lose unexpectedly to everyone else but I knew they would lose. I love sports. I will tell you my daddy wanted a boy and I am the closest thing he has to one. I like hanging out with the boys. I can hold my own in about anything. I know how to change a tire....all four if need be. I know the different car companies and I could even change my own oil...if need be. I am a Strong Woman.
I won't take anyone's B/S. You want to be rude, I will put you in your place and then ignore you. Don't try to say hi to make it look good in front of my friends, family or husband. I know you never speak to me otherwise so don't fake it and think I'll say hi back. I won't and it's not me being rude, it's me keeping it real. I can shovel my own snow, throw down in a snowball fight or if need be, build a snowman or ice cave. I'm a Strong Woman.
Do I cry? Yes, when I am completely pissed off or completely happy with something. I love dancing and can feel in my body when I need to work on it to be stronger. I can hold my own playing 2 on 2 basketball and I will be on the winning team. I'm competitive. I can read a map. I am educated. I am doing things many people dream of and many people worked hard to let me do. I can vote. I don't need to have a man but I want one and love the men in my life, especially my daddy and hubby for letting me be me. If you aren't happy with me as a person, I know how to show you the door. I am a Strong Woman.
I love to dance. I love to lift weights...sometimes. I love to drink and can drink more than some men. I love to love and I love to have fun! I can program my computer, tv or any other electronic device but if I'm lazy I know how to be a girly girl. I moved a whole apartment with just my husband and we lifted everything...including the sofa, loveseat, bed, etc. I deal with a monthly friend for 4-7 days, my husband's friends and my friends. I can stay sane. I waited overnight and fought crowds for Black Friday. I will eventually give birth and have to push a 10 lb person out of me (well I hope they are 7 or 8 lbs and it will just seem like 10...I don't want to push a 10 lbs out.)
I am no frills, take no mess and know when to be serious and when to have lots of fun. I AM A STRONG WOMAN!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Resolutions....Halfway through the month resolutions come out today. I started practicing before January but with my venting lately and then the scariest thing on Tuesday occurring, I had to wait. So today, you get to find out what my resolutions are.
I have been working on being healthier. That is my main resolution. It includes losing weight. According to everything I read and my Wii I am obese! I need to lose weight. My goal for least 50 pounds. It would at least get me back to my high school weight. Included with healthiness is eating better. More vegetables, less sugar. I barely use salt when cooking so that is not a problem. I love sweets though. Cakes, pies, brownies,'s so good! I started back to my dance classes so that will help too! I love to dance and my classes are a challenge and lots of fun!
Something else to help me be healthier...better budgeting and financial preparations. I want to pay off my credit card this year, my car will definitely be paid off this year and find a job. If I can get a job, I can pay my student loans...even better, I can double the payments and hopefully pay it off sooner than later! I'd have $0 debt then! Once my credit card is paid off, I want to cancel it. I don't need the hassle of a yearly fee and I really do not need one. I want to use only a debit card so I have no debt! And with that, using more coupons. The more money I can save, the better!
Along with my resolution of healthiness I want to live! I want to be alive and live my life. I want to travel, go to museums and visit friends in fun places! I want to take a vacation someplace and have a great time. I want to live a life that I have no regrets and I enjoy...especially before I have children. I need to be out of debt before I can have a rule! 
My healthiness resolution sounds simple but includes so much! Yes there is the loss of weight, the eating better just like everyone else says. I am including things to better my credit and life and live with less stress. Whatever will make me happy and keep me stress free to be healthy...I want it!
I started counting my calories from what I eat and workout today! I will continue that and monitor my weight. Hopefully in 6 months, I will be down where I want to be or close to it.  I will be making strides losing weight and I will be healthier. A year may seem long but it no time it will be December again.
Here is to my resolution of healthiness and here is to me doing good! Support me so I can continue to be in your life! I love you!

Monday, January 10, 2011

You're a Liar and I Don't Respect You

So...if you've been following the roommate story you know all the drama. If not, read previous posts and catch yourself up! So yesterday, Kevin and I did laundry and as I was putting my clothes up he says that our roommate told him he tried to speak to me and I did not speak back. I said, "Oh what did he say?" Kevin stated he said he told you hi and you said hmmm. Now....why would I say that? Wouldn't I be as rude as him if I did that?
I would. And I'm not. Now, in reality, I said Hi. I asked Kevin why would I not say hi? And then I informed Kevin that maybe if the roommate figured out how to talk louder maybe he could hear louder and I'd respond louder. Kevin was not too happy and let me know he asked a question and it was a yes or no answer. It was not but okay. So when Kevin is here our roommate will leave his door open and if it's just me, He walks by, does not talk and goes straight into his room and shuts the door. Oh well. He is not my friend.
Back to him. Why did he lie? Maybe he thought I did not respond but couldn't he say hi again? His hi the first time barely sounded like he said hi, especially to me. It sounded like he said oh so I thought it was nice I said hi! Back to him and lying. Why not just tell Kevin you spoke and did not hear me say hi instead of saying you spoke and I did not speak back.
So with this...I have lost respect of our roommate. It started when he tried to say he is not rude enough and would not have a female over while I have guests in the house so we wouldn't hear him and his women. Don't make excuses. Just tell them to shut up while you are doing it in an apartment you share with people. As a married couple we don't make that much noise when he is here. Then he lied to Kevin and told him I did not speak.
That was it. Don't lie on me. I don't lie on you, don't lie on me! I was trying to get over his wussiness. (Is that a word?) I was trying to get over the fact he got pissed cause I told him to use a pillow cause I don't want to hear him and his partners in the bedroom. I did not even comment on the fact he has multiple partners. I was trying to get over how rude he is as a roommate by not telling people who come over often to say hi or to work on the noise levels.
Respect is a big thing to me. How can I respect you if you don't respect me?

Friday, January 7, 2011


So, today Kevin tells me we are going to go to dinner with our roommate to discuss things. Fine! But we did not have dinner with our roommate. Instead, our roommate made plans and decides to tell Kevin when Kevin asks about dinner. I am already annoyed with him and that is just rude. He should have told Kevin ahead of time. Regardless, no dinner but we had a talk and it was quick.
I told him he could screw the whole world, I just don't want to hear it. He asked if I heard his one friend, K? No I did not and he said see I had the tv and the fan on. Great 1 out of 3 is so wonderful, especially when she has been the quietest one the whole time and I only heard her once, when they thought we were gone. So, I explain what happens when I have friends over. He says he is not that rude. I never said it was rude question is, If I go out with friends and we come back and he is already in the bedroom doing his thing then what? We don't want to hear the noise and he is gonna say it won't happen. How does he know? He can not see the future. It could happen.
Kevin says it is my tone of voice. I am a loud person. It is not my fault our roommate is a wuss. That is the nicest way to put it. He is a wuss and he can not handle someone telling him like it is. I am not going to change that. I say it like it is and if you are my roommate I am going to continue to say it like that. He is not a customer. He does not need it sugarcoated. If so, don't talk to me. Kevin says our roommate jumps on the defensive and I could handle things differently. I let him know, I don't want to hear the noise. Whether it is me here alone, me with friends or what, I don't want to hear the noise.
I told them both I will talk to the women if I hear them.  I gave them both warning so if I hear the women, I will talk to them. I don't care if they like it or not, I will tell the women I feel they are being rude and disrespectful to me, I can hear it and they need to be quiet.
What do you think? Should I change how I want to convey this? Obviously me saying it nicely has not worked since the noise is still an issue and I have previously told him that. I want your opinion.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's Not His Fault

So...yesterday was venting. And today I will talk about something else.
Today is about the government. I have my opinions and beliefs and you have yours. This is all about my opinions and beliefs though. I like President Obama and he is trying to do some good things. But the government is who plays a part into what he can and can not do. Today he is signing legislation to get rid of the Joint Forces Command which means thousands will lose their job here  (VA) and other places in the US. People keep saying look at how he is running the country.
Well it is not him. As much as I have disliked other President's (and they deserved it) Congress plays a big part. The Republicans do not want President Obama to make positive changes. And they keep talking about going back to the original constitution. That would mean he would be out and women and minorities would not be able to vote. That is part of the original constitution. Congress scares me. I wish I could be a congress person. I would fight for the people, the poor and the ones who need the help!
It is not President Obama though. He is trying and he keeps getting blocked at all parts thanks to Congress and his opponents. But the thing is...people need to not blame him for everything. I can't blame the other President's for what they tried to do that was good but got blocked. On the same aspect, people can not blame President Obama for what he is trying to do but is forced to do thanks to Congress.
It is not President Obama's fault that this country is the way it is. Blame it on the previous 8 years before he took office. We used to have a surplus and now it is a deficit. We have a President trying to be honest with us for once and people have an issue with that. He can't do anything right in most Americans' minds and they need to wake up, use common sense and see our current President is not to blame. It is not his fault.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Don't Even Know What to Call It

First, Happy New Year! Second, I need to vent and here is a little of it. you may know, I lost my job in May. Since then, I have been looking to no avail so far. To help with bills, Kevin and I got a roommate. I was not technically supposed to be here but a job interview gone awry is why I am. Well...back to the roommate thing. He moved in at the end of October. And can I say WOW! Before he moved in he told us not to have sex. Well...we are married. He for all purposes is not. (It's a long story that would take a few days to type out.) Little did I know our roommate is a whore. He is not a little whore but a huge one. He has had more than two females on more than one night and at one point he slept with 5 girls within 4 days!!
He never changes the sheets in between them and at times showers once every two days! Not even once a day!! His girls (they are not women or ladies and won't be called that until they learn to mature) are rude, disrespectful, have no common courtesy and are loud. When I say loud I mean I can hear them. I hear them screaming. If you clap your hands together I hear that noise too! When I say rude they come into the apartment I live in with Kevin and him and do not speak. They walk in front of the tv I watch, next to me, behind me, whatever and do not speak. They are rude! When I say disrespectful and no common courtesy I mean for themselves, our living area, and me as a roommate. They scream to the top of their lungs while on their way to having an orgasm. I have to hear it often and I am not happy. So...imagine when the one he "likes" comes over on New Years Eve right before the ball drops and after the ball drops, I get to listen to them for at least 20 minutes.
Happy New Year to me. So...I wanted to congratulate them on their performance later on New Years but they had left. When he comes back the next day I told him how loud they were. Kevin, laughs and tells him not to listen to me and my opinions. After our roommate has another girl come over and I hear them too I tell him to use a pillow. Kevin them tells him he thinks I try to listen because I like to listen. Umm...WTF? Are you kidding me? So imagine my surprise at the LACK of Support I have from my husband!
So I'm already pissed. And to top it off...then he tells me the one he "likes" is coming over to sleep. So I say "Make sure you use a pillow." And he gets an attitude and says, "I said just to sleep." are you going to get an attitude with me. Your sleep and mine are obviously different like your talk and my talk are different. When I say talk I mean talk with my mouth not my private area. You say it and you don't mean talk with your mouth.
So now, I am super pissed. I have a husband with a lack of support for and of me. He takes sides with the whore roommate instead of me. So later on that night, Kevin and the whore roommate decide that the roommate will not have sex here. I don't care if he has sex or not but I want him to learn respect and common courtesy. I am in silent mode. I don't want to talk to Kevin or the roommate and I don't need to. It's them against me and in reality, Kevin should be on my side fighting for our respect from the roommate instead of acting like I am the Big Bad Witch of the West.
It's simple as to what I want. I want to not hear the roommate have sex. I don't care if he has it or not in his room but I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR IT!! I want respect and common courtesy. I deserve it and if you live with me, it's the least you could do. I want my husband to support me instead of making me seem like a witch and saying things that upset and almost embarrass me.
Is that too hard to ask? I think not. Well, that is all. Happy New Year from my first blog of the year. Thanks for listening to me vent! I appreciate it and needed it.