Thursday, December 16, 2010

Can America handle it?

Checking my facebook today I noticed a discussion from the news channel here. They asked if we, as Americans, are ready for an openly gay president. I am. I am ready for a president to help! I enjoy what President Obama is trying to do but everyone does not. People are too focused on his color and whether he is a citizen. He is mixed so he is not 100% black, although he is touted as the first black president. And as we learn in elementary school, in order to be President you have to be a citizen....that is the only government position that you have to be a citizen.
And while I am talking about race before sexual orientation, everyone is brown. If you have not learned that we all come from Africa and have different pigmentations, look it up. We did and we do. That is why some people are dark and some are light!
Now, on to America. If people can barely deal with the President we have, do we think they can deal with an openly gay president? Look at all of the other politicians that have denied their sexual orientation... Look at the ones who have come out. While some support, others do not. We are still trying to deal with don't ask don't tell and people feel that they should not know. You can fight alongside someone but you can't know their sexual orientation? Does that change whether you will help save them or not? If so, that is sad. You know when others you work with are married. Just because they are married, it does not mean they want to date you so why think just because a person is gay means they want to date you.
I am ready for an openly gay president. I don't think America is. I wish they could be more accepting of others but obviously they can't. I don't know if I will see it in my lifetime but I hope so. I hope I see more openly gay people, an openly gay president and more acceptance and tolerance with less ignorance!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

So...Holiday time

Well, now it has been over a month since I have last written. While I lay in bed watching Ellen and her 12 days of giveaways, I always get jealous this time of year. Why? I am never in California and I want to attend a 12 days of giveaways. Especially since I missed Oprah's! Haha. 
Okay, but for real. It's the time of year where everyone expects a present. It is the season of giving (for me I love to give) and receiving. It will be a first for me to give on a limited budget, the most limited I have ever had. After 6 months, still no job. And with Christmas approaching it is limited funds.
I am thankful. At this time of year, I see others' struggling and I am thankful I am not struggling as much as they are. I can only think of Travis McCoy ft. Bruno Mars' in "I Want to Be a Billionaire" because I do. If I had the money, I could help make a difference for someone who could not afford it. I could make a difference for a lot of people who could not afford it. I could make a difference for my parents and give them things they always wanted but due to me they could not afford.
I sit and think of how I want the new Kinect with Dance Central and other games. My husband always wants a whole bunch of games and there is a little kid out there who all they will get is a stuffed animal and some clothes because that is all that mommy and daddy could afford. I am blessed, even with no job. I want a job so I could feel like I am doing more. I helped the less fortunate before Thanksgiving. I am going to go shopping for some more less fortunate. It's still not enough. I see the sad faces of little kids or heartwarming stories on tv and they make me cry. It is sad to see where these people are. And it could be me one day.
I sat outside of Target the day after Thanksgiving for a Black Friday sale. To see the people in the store pushing and grabbing two of this so they did not have to wait was something else. I learned I never need to do another Black Friday sale again. I saw on tv that at a Target in NY a man was trampled over. He could not believe people would be like that this time of year. Sad, I can see people like that and believe even with the time of year it is, they would be like that.
I want to be a billionaire so I can buy things for those less fortunate and help the world. If I can't be a billionaire, maybe I could just get a job so I could slowly start to help others!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


So when I started this blog I figured "Hey...I can write about my Faith and my Faith journey every day and it will be easy." I soon realized that was not true. I began to start thinking about writing the same things over and over again and I had writers block...A LOT! I write occasionally now, maybe once a week or every other week. It works. And it is still my Faith Journey but I include a lot about me.  I talk about issues of today and the past and what weighs on my mind because, well, it all is a part of my Faith Journey.
It has been almost 5 months since I lost my job. I pray daily, I have interviewed to no avail (and one horror story that is too long and complicated to write about here) and still nothing. I know there is a plan for me. I think I figured this much out...1) GOD wants me to live where my husband lives so we are not separated. 2) GOD has a huge surprise and only HE knows what will really happen and what he wants for my life. I am trying not to lose hope or Faith.  It is hard. So so hard and I keep going.
I wake up every day and sleep every night. I love my life. I laugh and sing and dance and wish that I could incorporate that type of activity and fun in my new job. Then I think...when will that be? I cook and clean and reorganize our house. I travel to my parents house...more so than when I had a job. Why? Because I can. Because I have the time and I don't have to worry about using a vacation or sick day to do it. I am on my own time and not under any time constraints. I can live and enjoy life.
So...where has my FJ (Faith Journey) brought me to so far. is what I have learned.
1) I hate political ads and campaigns....especially for those that I disagree with
2) I love Fall and Pumpkin any and every thing
3) I love traveling by matter how delayed I am.
4) I LOVE LOVE LOVE Diversity and wish everyone was diverse.
5) I have no patience. (I already knew that)
6) I do not like ignorant, racist people.
7) America has changed and not in a good way and it has nothing, let me repeat, NOTHING to do with President Obama.
8) While we mention the President, he did not get us into the mess the country is in now...You can thank George W. Bush for the deficit, the job losses, the crap we see every day. President Obama is just being honest, telling us like it is, and is trying to HELP!
9) Health care would be good for all...let the bill with some changes pass.
10) Do not hate the Pres because he is black. He did something with his life, what about you?
11) I am not nor will I ever be a fan of Sarah Palin, Linda McMahon and anyone else dumb enough to think I would vote for them. I know what the country needs and who will be looking out for my is not them or their "friends".
12) Faith is believing and what happens to me is on GOD's time - not mine (although I wish it were mine).
My FJ keeps going and I hope you keep going on it with me. You never have to agree with me. I don't care if you do since I am writing my feelings. You are always welcome to comment but if I don't agree - I can't say what comes next will be pretty. Don't like my opinion? Sorry but I am who I am and I am honest with myself if nothing else.
Thanks for helping me continue to push through on my FJ.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Intolerance is not cool

I am currently watching 20/20 and the topic of Islam. I keep hearing on the news about the GLBT teens that have killed themselves over the past month. These stories show me so much about the "American Dream" and where we live. It makes me so sad. The US and people who call themselves Americans want everyone else in the world to think that the country is great and this is the place to be. I have lived here my whole life and I question it even more daily now than ever. 
I am African-American...maybe more so than the president. But everyone sees the color of his skin and he is horrible and everyone wants to say he put us (the U.S.) in this horrible state which is not true. People are blaming him and all they look at is the color of his skin. No one wants to put blame on the president before, light-skinned and dumb who has screwed the country. Born and bred in Texas, father a previous president and all he did was make things worst. He started a war looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction that never were and never have been in the Middle East. It reminds me of the KKK and Hitler. They started a war on people who were different. 
It started years ago with slavery of the blacks. Now, in 2010, people want to say we are in a better place. Discrimination is it really? I don't think so. We discriminate against people who look different. We discriminate against people who have a different religious background or sexual orientation. It is the same. Discrimination is discrimination no matter how it is dressed up.
Today discrimination is still here. We have teens killing themselves because they are bullied - straight or gay. We have gay teens killing themselves because of a lack of privacy, because they can not handle the abuse. I feel their pain. I know where they are coming from and I am not gay. It may have been a different form but it was still the same thing - Discrimination. It is sad how this world, this country has turned out. We just keep getting closer and closer to being where we were 150 years ago, even 50 years ago. It was not happy times. They say history repeats itself. I can only pray it won't repeat those times because they were horrible and call me selfish but I don't think I am strong enough to survive that. In order for history to repeat itself, it means we as people did not learn years ago and still have not learned. 
I don't want history to repeat itself but I think it slowly is subtle different forms. Whether you have a different belief, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or anything else...I DO NOT CARE. Stop Discrimination. Stand up for the right thing and help us get to a better place in life. Intolerance is not cool and never has been. Learn to love diversity and learn to love those who are different. I pray one day soon we as a whole can be accepting of all but I fear I won't be around for that.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Faith is Funny

So...I have been struggling looking for a job now for the whole summer. Since the end of May to get technical. And I thought I had an opening. I went on vacation with my parents and stayed up an extra week visiting for an interview. I did two interviews on that one day and was told by Friday I would hear something. Friday came and went. Sunday morning came and in checking my email I received an email from the company stating thanks for the application but the position had been filled. Well, I was sad but I wanted to know what I missed out on. So I called on Monday late morning/early afternoon. Talked to the person I interviewed with who informed me that I was still in the running and he had no clue what the email was talking about. (He did not ask who sent it or press for me he just said the email was wrong.) So..I was assured I would hear back later in the week about when my next interview would be. Oh, I forgot to mention how after my interview I rode the bus 13 hours home. So...later in the week comes and goes and nothing.  Seems familiar right?
Well, I called the next week on a Tuesday this time. I needed to switch it up. I was told the manager would be in and I would hear back that day. Well I did. I was asked to come in for an interview in 2 days. (Forget the fact that I gave them my cell phone number and they called me on my house number.  They knew I lived out of state so why would you call me on my house phone?) That would have been fine if I lived in state but I was having people buy me a train or bus ticket. How would I get there in 2 days plus the costs?? Well I asked about the following week. So the interview was scheduled for a week from the date originally offered.
By this time I have friends telling me it will be hard to be away from my husband for a year if I get this job. I have other friends telling me I need to stay with my husband and I do not need to look at a job unless he will be moving with me...which if he isn't then don't look at the job.
Well I travel on up to visit my parents and for the interview.  I show up for the interview 10 minutes early. I already thought it was weird it was an early evening interview but "Hey! What do I know?". So as someone comes to help me the same person comes back not even 2 minutes later to inform me there is no one to do my interview.  She left a note with my information for them to call me. I am still waiting on that call. I called them and no one picked up or called me back.
Okay so it is not Faith but it is funny in that I can't believe this happened way. But I wonder if God is finding a way for me to be closer to my husband and me going through these obstacles keeps me walking closer to finding a job where my husband and I currently live and where I may soon be moving from leaving him. It sure seems like it, especially with my friend saying I need to live with my husband.
Oh...maybe it should be life is funny. I know God was having a great chuckle at this and still probably is. I just want to interview and finally find a job. I did want summer off but I also wanted something I knew I would have when it was all over!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What have we as a whole become?

A news story today caught my eye. A minister, a Christian minister, thinks on the anniversary of September 11th this year his congregation and him should burn the Quran. He wants to show people around the world that "we" don't believe in extremist views. 
I remember growing up and having a first-hand look at racism. It happens when everyone is one color and you are the odd one out. That's okay because I grew up all for diversity. I remember learning about slavery and things my ancestors had to fight for and survive just so I could have a house, vote and be treated equally. I thought I would have seen the end when I was 6 and called the n word. It didn't. It got worse. It continues to be bad. We have the KKK ready to hurt people for the color of their skin. People are not taking action against them. We have people in Congress trying to stop the good the President is trying to do. People are just joining them thinking that Healthcare for all is horrible and does not help anyone. Now, we have a minister, who is supposed to be teaching about Christ and all he did and believes, he is going to stop the "extremists." 
Let me tell you something. He is extreme. We don't need to save ourselves from the extreme people in other countries but we need to protect ourselves from the extreme people in this country. A minister who thinks people in his congregation need to burn the Quran is wrong on many levels. 

1) This will endanger our troops overseas and cause people to retaliate. It may possibly put our troops back in a war we are trying to get them out of. 
2) NOT ALL MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN THE EXTREME VIEWS THAT THE BAD ONES DO. Just like all Christians are not bad neither are Muslims. There are always people to take it to the next level. 
3) What happened to freedom of speech and religion? We as Americans are all different. Most people in the U.S. have or had descendants from other countries. Who are we to deny the right of their religious choices? 

I thought America was supposed to be a melting pot. More and more I see it as a country that likes to deny rights. Who is to say my rights will be the same when I wake up in the morning? I am seeing them change overnight from the Immigration law in Arizona to denying people a religious place of worship because of a few bad people with the same religion. Ridiculous. Do you ever wonder why other countries do not like Americans? If so read into this. Americans are hypocritical. We are coming from a country that says one thing, does the complete opposite and people don't know whether we will help them or stab them in the back. 
I don't blame people in other countries for not liking us. I see why they don't. But we need to show them not everyone is like what they see on the television and not everyone believes in the same ridiculous things that the idiots do.
Not all Muslims were on the planes on September 11, 2001. Not all Muslims believe that was correct with what happened that day. Not all Muslims hate Americans. Not all Muslims are extreme. Just the same...not all Americans and Christians died on the September 11, 2001. Not all Americans and Christians believe it is right to burn books from other religious beliefs and blame the whole. Not all Americans and Christians are Christ-like and supportive of what God and Jesus wanted for all of us. Not all Americans and Christians are extreme. If we were would all Bibles need to burn? Would it be okay for Muslims to burn the Bible because we bombed there place to live?
I am not the best Christian but I try. I believe in equality and equal treatment of everyone no matter what. I am an EOP... Equal Opportunity Person. I don't believe all people who do not look like me with their hair and skin color are bad. I don't believe they should be ridiculed and treated like I was. I have friends who are not like me at all and I love them. I don't believe in burning any religious books and I believe in trying to be Christ-like. That minister is not and will not be Christ-like. He is not trying. People in the world please do not think all Americans and Christians are like that because I know a few people who are not like that at all. I am not like that minister but are you?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Is that sign Faith?

Ever want something so bad you pray and think about it and wish for it more than anything? Ever then received news that it was not for you.  Then did you go to check on it just to see and been told it may be for you after all? Well could it be that is a sign and it is Faith. I keep asking God for some things in my life and so far I have not gotten all of them. That is okay. I figure it is a sign that at this time the things I want are not for me. Then comes my impatience and wanting to know what is in store for me.
Are all of those signs Faith? Are they telling me I need to have Faith that my life will be even better than what it was? Although it is hard for me to accept it and believe it that is what they are telling me.  Right now I am trying to have Faith that God's plans in this time of my life are somewhat going to match mine.
Let me ask you feel that sign is Faith? When you usually are the first one off from a red light and the one time you hesitate a car comes speeding through the light do you feel that is a sign? When you usually do a California roll and this time you don't and a pedestrian is walking is that a sign? It is a sign. It's a sign that you were meant to be okay and so was that person walking. It's a sign that an accident was not in store for you. It's a sign that you are supposed to keep living your life and maybe being last off of the light or not doing California rolls is how you are supposed to live it.
So if something in your life is going on...ask is that sign Faith? You may be surprised to see it is.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What happened to Faith?

This may not seem like a Faith topic tonight but it is. It takes a completely different route today but it questions Faith in people and us.
What happened to our Faith as Americans? Was it September 11, 2001? Did we lose Faith because terrorists decided to hurt American lifestyles and cultures? Or did we lose Faith in the earlier years?  Did we lose Faith when darker skinned people were brought from Africa, Egypt, the Caribbeans and other places and were bought to America as slaves? Or even still did we lose Faith in the early 1990s when the Oklahoma City bomber decided to kill all of those innocent people?
What happened to us as Americans? What happened to the Faith we had that it would all be okay? What happened to the freedom and the acceptance of all? I thought this was a place where everyone was accepted. I thought America was a democracy and although you may be different you are still accepted.  Well, this is not always true. I grew up not being accepted. Why? Because of the color of my skin.  I learned to get through that and I lived and survived. Now, it is happening to others. I am a believer in equality and I have had lots of mistreatment and I have had inequality. I know the racism, the nonacceptance and how hard it can be to try to fit in.
Now, let me ask you again. What happened to our Faith as Americans? Was it when slavery was the most popular thing in the world? No...because people had Faith. The slaves had Faith they would be free one day. The slave owners had Faith they would not have to work in the fields.  Well, both sides had Faith. The slaves became free and the former slave owners had to pay people to work their fields.
Was it when the Oklahoma City bombing took place? No, because we as Americans had Faith it was an isolated incident. We had Faith the city would rebuild and although we would not forget we would forgive. The Oklahoma City bombing was one person. Slavery was many people. So what about September 11, 2001? We as Americans lost our freedoms due to a few people. We (Americans) keep trying to rebuild but people keep pushing us down.
Let me tell you something. I feel for everyone that lost a family member in September 11th. I may not have lost anywhere there that I know of but I have lost people in my life. With that said, have Faith everything will be okay. So Muslims want to build a mosque. If they are American who are we to tell them they can not practice religion here? Are we not a democracy? Are we not accepting of all? Are we not supposed to be the best country around?
WAKE UP! Where is your Faith? Does everyone really think that with the mosque being built these are people who will attack? They may have had family in one of the two towers. They may have had family in one of the planes. They are people too and they suffered just like we have. Let Muslims have their mosque in NYC near Ground Zero. They deserve to practice their religion just like we do.  Did you condone Hitler and trying to make the world an Aryan nation? Are you along with the skinheads who want to take out all that look different? Let me ask something else. Do you agree with the immigration law in Arizona?
If you said yes to any of these, you do not have Faith in people. You are placing blame in people that have nothing to do with what we are facing today. Racial profiling due to incidents that occurred because of stupid and ignorant people is just as stupid. Have Faith in people. We can let our past control the future in the worst way, or we can take a chance, learn from mistakes in the past and have Faith it will all work out. With Faith we will go forward. Without it, we will continue to go backwards as a society and see some of the worst times ahead.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Faith is God not Giving Up

Ever wonder where God is when you are going through some of your darkest and hardest hours? The perfect way to describe it is the poem by Mary Stevenson Footprints in the Sand.

Footprints in the Sand

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there were one set of footprints. This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints. So I said to the Lord, "You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there have only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?" The Lord replied, "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, is when I carried you." ~ Mary Stevenson

God didn't give up. Neither do we.  We keep our Faith in God. He continues to bring us through the hard and dark times. God knows when we can not walk ourselves and he carries us. God does not leave us to fight alone. He does not leave us to go through the bad without anyone. He is right there with us either side by side or supporting us. God does not give up. That is what our Faith gets us. Faith is God not giving up. If he keeps fighting then shouldn't we?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Faith Travels

Do you travel or are you constantly in the same place? Since your answer can not be you are always in the same place then you travel. Even if travelling is just within a 5 foot radius in your house, you are travelling. Do you like to explore and take adventure in your hands? Do you like to see the vast beauty that the Earth has to offer? Do you like to get in a car, plane, train or bus? If so, let me ask you…do you get to your destination by yourself? Maybe while in the car… but a few people made that car and then someone has to take care of the car at the shop.
Where did you first find Faith? Was it in a church or on the street? Was it in your home or in a movie theater? No. Faith travels like you and I do. Faith does not stay at the same place just like we do not stay at the same place. Faith is everywhere. Do you have Faith? If so, Faith travels with you. If not Faith travels with someone else, someone that actually has Faith. But, as mentioned before, Faith finds you too.
Faith travels all over. Faith is in a five foot radius. It is in the car, train, plane or bus with you. Faith is likes adventure and likes to explore. Faith likes to see the vast beauty that the Earth has to offer. Faith helps you get to your destination. Faith is where you first found it and all around you. Faith is everywhere. So yes Faith travels. It is not just in one place.

Faith is Magic

Think about it. Faith is Magic. When you think about Magic you question how someone was able to do the trick. You wonder how they learned it and how long it took them to study it.  You wonder how the trick was so amazing and convincing and how you do not know the secret of what made it successful.  You wonder the amount of practice and patience that went into the Magic. When you are little Magic is so special and exciting. As you grow older Magic becomes more of a mystery and Magic is an unknown that is miraculous. People who believe in Magic believe that anything can happen. They are open-minded and ready for anything to happen.
Now, take everything I just said and instead of Magic use Faith.  Faith makes you wonder about the trick and how someone is able to have just great Faith. A person with Faith makes you wonder how long a person has had it, how they learned it and how long it took someone to study it and believe. You wonder how Faith is so amazing and convincing and how does someone know the secret and what made it successful. Faith requires patience and the amount of practice. Faith is special and exciting when you are little and as you grow older Faith becomes more of a mystery and it is an unknown that is miraculous. People who believe and have Faith believe that anything can happen. They are open-minded and ready for anything to happen.
Where does Faith differ from Magic? Both take a strong belief system. Both are up to individual people to make the decision about how they feel. There is not really a difference between the two. Faith and Magic are almost interchangeable. Both are in some aspects, unseen. A magician has Faith that his/her tricks will work. A person with Faith would believe in magic.  Both are incredible and remarkable.
To me Faith is Magic. It takes so much to have both and believe in both. So do you think Faith is Magic or is it something else?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be

What a statement that is. So powerful. So strong. Such proof. No questioning. It's absolute.  May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Notice it does not say where you want to be or where you feel you need to be. It says where you are meant to be. That is Faith. My friend posted this as her status on FB.  It made me think about it. I have to trust.  Do you know who I am trusting? I am trusting Christ. I am trusting that he leads me in the right direction. I am trusting that he leads me where I want to be. I am trusting that HE is not leading me to be with him in Heaven because I do not feel I am ready for that. But...maybe HE needs me with him. Who am I to know my purpose on Earth? Who am I to know where I belong?
I need to have Faith. Faith will help me trust in HIM. Faith will let me know I am meant to be here.  Why? Because with Faith I can trust, I can believe and I can know.  So...are you where you want to be or need to be? I don't know. You don't know. But Christ knows. And if you are, then that is where you are meant be.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. I am going to trust it and try to increase my Faith. Are you?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

When is Faith?

When do you have Faith? Do you only have Faith when it comes to people? Do you have Faith when it comes to the sick? Do You have Faith when it comes to your life? To a friend or family member's life? When it suits you? When you are in a situation you think is life or death? Do you have Faith when on an airplane (like me)? Do you have Faith 100% of the time or 10% of the time? When is Faith for us?
When is Faith? Is it at a certain time of day? When we eat? Before we leave home? While the sun is shining? Do we get to choose when Faith is or does Faith itself choose when it is? When a sad boy who never had friends is getting ready to end his life at his crushes home is that when he has Faith? When a young girl has her life turned upside down and loses both of her parents does she have Faith then?
When is the time to have Faith? Is it now? Was it a year ago? Was it 9 and a half years ago? Was the time to have Faith when we were born? When we had that first fall and scrape? Is the time to have Faith before a major change? After a major change? When is Faith?
Faith for me is all the time. I constantly have it. I can not get rid of it. I feel it more at certain times than others. Faith does not have a time limit for me. I don't feel it at 1am but not at 1pm. I definitely feel it when I am on an airplane and when I land safely. I have Faith when it comes to everyone. I have Faith when it comes to my husband. I have Faith when it come to my family. I have Faith when it comes to friends. I have Faith when it comes to the sick.
When is Faith? Faith is when I decide to choose it but Faith is also when it chooses me. There are times I have Faith and I find it hard to believe I have it. Why? Because Faith chose me. Faith decided I needed it and it came to me. Now that is not often because I choose Faith on my own...about 99% of the time and 1% of the time it chooses me. Maybe you choose Faith 100% of the time and it never has to choose you. I'm not like that.
Faith is when I need it.  Faith is on reserve for in case I may need it at some time down the road but not at that moment. Faith is around me all of the time. I may waver on it at times but I see it. I see it in the face of a friend who can finally breathe because she still has her husband with her after all of their trials and tribulations. I see it when I get to see the story of a person who thought they were never going to walk again. I see Faith when everything seems to be going wrong and there is at that one inkling of hope.
Faith is all the time. Whether I choose it or it chooses me Faith is always here. Faith is for everything. Whether it is people, animals or things Faith is always there. Faith does not discriminate due to who your friends are, your color, your age or your ability. Faith does not care. Faith is always there. Faith is when you are awake and when you are sleeping. Faith comes in your dreams and in your nightmares. Faith is there 100% of the time.  Now, whether you have it or not, that is something you need to decide. But Faith is always there. Faith does not take time off. Faith does not get vacations or sick days. Faith is always there.
I know when I have Faith. I know when Faith is there for me. When do you have Faith? When is Faith there for you? You may think it is not there but surprise. It really is.

Monday, August 9, 2010

What is Faith?

What is Faith for you? Faith can be multiple things.  The definition has different meanings including: confidence in a person, a belief that is not based on proof, or belief in anything. Sit and take a minute. Just think...what is faith? Is Faith the story of a man who fell 100 feet from the sky and lived with a broken bone? Is it the story of the soul survivor from a 10 car crash? Is Faith the story of a miracle? The miracle where given 6 months to live due to cancer it went in remission and the person lives for 10 years? The miracle where who knows what the disease is but all of a sudden the person is better? What is Faith? Is Faith just a belief? Is it less or more?
Faith for me is more than one thing. Faith is the confidence in people and the belief that is not based on proof.  I believe in God and Jesus Christ and no one can prove they were real. I believe in Santa Claus the same and I'm told he is fake. I believe if I pray it will all work out in the end. I have Faith without proof. I have never seen Santa or Jesus or God. I have Faith they are real. Santa has left me gifts. Jesus and God watch over me. I could be dead but my prayers and my watchful Saviors keep me alive. That is Faith. I go to sleep every night with the Faith I will see a new day. Do you have that Faith? I have no proof I will see tomorrow but I have Faith I will.
What is Faith? Is Faith actually a fact? Is Faith the fact that belief will bring you through it? Do we all have our our Faith? What defines Faith? Do people define it? Do places or things define Faith?
I define my Faith. I gain opinions and ideas but I define my Faith. I go to Church and have Faith the stories are real. They have not scientifically been proved. I have a Faith that encompasses so much but I did not get it on my own. I define Faith in my eyes. I don't see everything like you. I see it differently. You may look up at the sky and see blue. I look up and see the peach, purple and blue of twilight with the hint of off white in the clouds. We see the same thing yet we don't so does that make you wrong? Does it make me wrong? Or does it just mean we see the same thing differently? If the latter is true then won't we and don't we define Faith differently and see it differently?
Look into your self, your soul. Look....Do you have a solid Faith? You never question it or teeter totter from it? Do you wonder "What if" in your Faith? Is your Faith like mine? I doubt it. Do I have the same Faith as my sister? Mother? Father? Husband? NO! We all grew up differently. We all had different experiences. We all are different ages. And we all have different wisdom. Does it mean we are wrong? No. It means we are different. My Faith is different. My Faith may have the same principles as yours. My Faith may be structured off the same story as yours. But my Faith may be different. Maybe my Faith is stronger or weaker. Maybe my Faith is more fictional or realistic. Either way my Faith is mine. I define it.
So what is Faith? I don't think it will ever be answered but I know a few things. I define my Faith and you define your Faith. I question my Faith in different things and I wish I could solidify it. I don't have the same Faith in things as my family and friends. It takes a little longer for me to find Faith on a plane (like when I land safely on the ground I have it). I do not need the proof to believe and you may tell me something is not real but I have Faith it is. My Faith is my own. I may see it differently from you but we both have Faith. My Faith is a plethora of things. So now there is only one question left. What is Faith to you? What is your Faith? Well, maybe two questions.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Truth of My Faith

As a freshman in high school I went through confirmation class.  We discussed the Trinity (Jesus as Father, Son and Holy Spirit), Church and Faith. I believed in all of that. I guess I should say I believe in all of that.  It is true.  I believe in all of it. My faith is just currently wavering.  Have you ever wondered why a great number of people get injured and/or die at once? Plane crashes, Train crashes, war and September 11th made me wonder.  My grandmother's death made me question why God took her from me and it had me wondering.  My Faith wavered. I heard people say it was "their time", "they are in a better place" or the one I use to calm myself "they are better off in Heaven with God than on Earth". Oh....How do you keep the Faith? 
I tell myself often I have faith. I am able to get into a car and drive after being in several accidents. I can get on an airplane (with prescription drugs and alcohol) and land safely without me doing anything and having no control over what happens.  I have the belief I will make it to my destination safely and I Faith gets me there. I have Faith in my husband. I know he will be able to find a better job. I believe he is a great man and I have Faith that as long as he loves me, we will make it through anything.  I have Faith he will give me the world and more when he can. 
I have Faith that God, the Bible and Jesus are real. My Faith in that does waver. I have Faith that I will go to Heaven, although I am petrified to die. God forgives and my Faith does not waver in that. I have Faith when I have children I will be a good mother and my husband will be a good father. My Faith does not waver in that. So why does my Faith waver when it comes to my employment? I am struggling to find a job and I don't know why. I feel let down and depressed more and more and I find parts of my Faith slowly running away when it comes to me and being unemployed. I am restless. God knows what will happen and I don't. He knows when I will get a job, where it will be and for how long. God knows my future and I don't. I have no control over my life and I question that. If God told me it would be alright would I believe him and keep the Faith? Right now, probably not since I am struggling with keeping my Faith it will all work out in the end and be alright!