Sunday, August 19, 2012

New vs. Old - New wins! For this 1 friend at least

I just have to say that I love life. I had a great weekend, one of the best I've had in a while. I hung out with old friends and new ones. I did not have to work or run rescue which made it even better for me. I had a whole weekend to myself and I enjoyed it. I also met someone who knows my worth. I can tell he is going to be a great friend to have and I'm excited. The one thing about my friends is they know that I am going to keep it real. I don't sugarcoat and I'm honest. If you like me great, if you don't oh well. I'm not going to cry tears over you. This new friend, could tell in less than 24 hours that I am worth it, I won't hold back and I will call his bullshit. I do and I did. He didn't mumble under his breath or make little underhanded comments. It was nice to be out with people who made me feel good about myself. Great friends do that. No friend should make me not feel good about myself. I guess, I should rephrase. It was great to be with people who didn't make me feel unsure or like they were talking about me or thinking evil things. All of my friends should do that and if they aren't then they are not really my friends. Guess it makes me ask the same thing everyone else in my life has asked me, why are you friends with him? Well, let me say, most likely not for long. I have new friends, better friends, who know that I am worth a lot more than some like to give me credit for and I can tell we will be in each others' lives for a while.
Here is to the weekends of the summer that were great, enjoyable and make me smile when Monday morning rolls around and I don't want to see it. I'm so excited for the time I get to spend with the new people, I don't know what to do. Too bad I'm missing them this weekend coming up, but soon we will be back together hanging out again. I can just tell. :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A reason...

You know those people who come into your life just when you need them and you wonder what you would have done if you never met them? I have a friend like that. Came into my life as Kevin and I were getting worst and worst and growing apart day by day. He was like a knight in shining armor. He saved me from an unhappy miserable marriage. We hung out, went to dinner a few times, a comedy club, ice skating, only as friends. He respected what I was going through and that although I was unhappy, I was still married. He dealt with Kevin calling and texting him. He dealt with Kevin blaming him for our divorce. He dealt with all the drama I told him about and all the drama Kevin included him in. He was a great gentleman and a great friend for me at that time.
Now, don't get me wrong, we currently still talk. Our friendship has changed from the good ole days of when I first met him. We don't hang out AT ALL! No more dinner and just being stupid and care free together. I guess he can't really handle all of that in his life like he used to. We don't text as much. I'm still there for him and he is there for me to an extent. It seems our friendship was stronger. I went away to Germany and came back and it hasn't been the same since. I'm not sure we will ever go back to the days of just being us and hanging out. I guess it was one of those he was there at the time I needed him and I was there at the time he needed me. A reason friendship. But no matter what, GOD knew I needed him and he put him in my life. Now we'll see how much work he'll put in to stay in my life. I've put in work but will he? Only time will tell.