Monday, January 16, 2012

Well, since my last post first let's say Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed all of their holidays. Today is MLK Day. What did you do to celebrate?
I am now released as an EMT-B  in Virginia Beach. I love running duties and I have a great partner who I love running with. Life is so much simpler when we go to calls because we don't have to necessarily talk to one another to get all of the information from the patient and we each do something that together adds up as a whole.
I wish I knew everyone that looked at this. Some people I don't mind sharing the information with but others I do.
The end of last year, beginning of this year has been something. Let's just say I am being optimistic and this is my adventure year. Everything is an adventure, including my phone jumping in the toilet on the second day of the year! Haha only me. But let me tell you, the rice did work. It took a nap for 2 days and is back up and running now.
I wanted to stop in and say hi. I need to not be so forgetful and I need to really keep up in my writing. I know I will need it this year. All I ask, is that you read this, support me, pray for me and enjoy. This year will talk even more about my trials and tribulations and you may see me struggle with me faith. I try not to, but some days are better than others. I will persevere and make it through and so will you. Together we are going to make it.
Cheers to 2012 and here is to making it better than last year. Enjoy your adventures because I am hoping you get to enjoy mine and learn something new!