Saturday, March 19, 2011

4th and 2nd lovely

So it is the 4th Sunday overall and the 2nd Saturday in a row without Kevin's friend. We were going to go to a performance but groceries and basketball won out! Either way, it was just us. No screaming from a man who is getting beat in the game by his friends. Only screaming from Kevin. No one taking our money for food or eating the food we have in the house. Such a lovely Saturday.
We could relax, sleep in late and just enjoy the weather, life and each other. Kevin was chef and made breakfast. I haven't had a breakfast made by him in I don't know how long. I even was bartender and made drinks for Kevin. His famous or infamous pina colada with a secret ingredient. I don't want to give it away. He loved it so it was a success. I loved experimenting with drinks. Last weekend the drinks were too strong for Kevin. He enjoyed this one. And I made a dip too! No reason why except I saw a recipe, it looked good and made me want to. Too bad I need some more items so I can bake too! (Maybe tomorrow I can get those.)
I woke up and worked out. It was not as hardcore as my Monday-Friday but it works for the weekend. At least I am working out. I should have slept in and worked out later but I didn't. Oh well too bad!
I told Kevin we need some more friends down here. We don't really have a group of people we hang out with. When we get together with someone, except for our neighbor (while her husband was out at sea) we don't really go out. And I'm not going out with his friends. I'm excited his friend did not come over and that our roommate did not come home. Those are not the people we need to hang out with and associate with. It'd just be nice to have someone to call up and go visit or go out and eat or they come over for drinks and appetizers.
Maybe everything will work out one day soon for us! Until then we will keep living and I'll keep enjoying the fact that I had another Saturday of no guests and no money spent on guests who came over to visit. So lovely!

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