Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Another Disappointing Day in STown

Today's disappointingness....yes I made a word, comes from a Facebook group in town. People are upset that at the school graduation the singer will supposedly be kneeling while singing the National Anthem. "Kids should be kids until after ther ceremony." "This isn't the time to protest." "I'll have massive disdain for the singer and administration." "Politics has no place at a graduation." 
Really people? If the singer kneels you're too privileged to acknowledge a struggle that POC face? Don't valedictorians and graduation speakers give their opinion messages in a send-off that can be political, if they so choose? These kids are going into the real world. Do they need to be coddled for another 3 hours? That graduation ceremony is really going to make the difference, huh? If this isn't the time to protest then when? When you go to sleep? When it is convenient for you? When you are being attacked? 
I question why I even moved back here. I feel it has gotten worst and not better. So...another disappointing day in Southington! 

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