I don't back down in an argument. I will especially argue you to the day I die about how my team is the greatest...even when they lose unexpectedly to everyone else but I knew they would lose. I love sports. I will tell you my daddy wanted a boy and I am the closest thing he has to one. I like hanging out with the boys. I can hold my own in about anything. I know how to change a tire....all four if need be. I know the different car companies and I could even change my own oil...if need be. I am a Strong Woman.
I won't take anyone's B/S. You want to be rude, I will put you in your place and then ignore you. Don't try to say hi to make it look good in front of my friends, family or husband. I know you never speak to me otherwise so don't fake it and think I'll say hi back. I won't and it's not me being rude, it's me keeping it real. I can shovel my own snow, throw down in a snowball fight or if need be, build a snowman or ice cave. I'm a Strong Woman.
Do I cry? Yes, when I am completely pissed off or completely happy with something. I love dancing and can feel in my body when I need to work on it to be stronger. I can hold my own playing 2 on 2 basketball and I will be on the winning team. I'm competitive. I can read a map. I am educated. I am doing things many people dream of and many people worked hard to let me do. I can vote. I don't need to have a man but I want one and love the men in my life, especially my daddy and hubby for letting me be me. If you aren't happy with me as a person, I know how to show you the door. I am a Strong Woman.
I love to dance. I love to lift weights...sometimes. I love to drink and can drink more than some men. I love to love and I love to have fun! I can program my computer, tv or any other electronic device but if I'm lazy I know how to be a girly girl. I moved a whole apartment with just my husband and we lifted everything...including the sofa, loveseat, bed, etc. I deal with a monthly friend for 4-7 days, my husband's friends and my friends. I can stay sane. I waited overnight and fought crowds for Black Friday. I will eventually give birth and have to push a 10 lb person out of me (well I hope they are 7 or 8 lbs and it will just seem like 10...I don't want to push a 10 lbs out.)
I am no frills, take no mess and know when to be serious and when to have lots of fun. I AM A STRONG WOMAN!
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