Monday, August 9, 2010

What is Faith?

What is Faith for you? Faith can be multiple things.  The definition has different meanings including: confidence in a person, a belief that is not based on proof, or belief in anything. Sit and take a minute. Just think...what is faith? Is Faith the story of a man who fell 100 feet from the sky and lived with a broken bone? Is it the story of the soul survivor from a 10 car crash? Is Faith the story of a miracle? The miracle where given 6 months to live due to cancer it went in remission and the person lives for 10 years? The miracle where who knows what the disease is but all of a sudden the person is better? What is Faith? Is Faith just a belief? Is it less or more?
Faith for me is more than one thing. Faith is the confidence in people and the belief that is not based on proof.  I believe in God and Jesus Christ and no one can prove they were real. I believe in Santa Claus the same and I'm told he is fake. I believe if I pray it will all work out in the end. I have Faith without proof. I have never seen Santa or Jesus or God. I have Faith they are real. Santa has left me gifts. Jesus and God watch over me. I could be dead but my prayers and my watchful Saviors keep me alive. That is Faith. I go to sleep every night with the Faith I will see a new day. Do you have that Faith? I have no proof I will see tomorrow but I have Faith I will.
What is Faith? Is Faith actually a fact? Is Faith the fact that belief will bring you through it? Do we all have our our Faith? What defines Faith? Do people define it? Do places or things define Faith?
I define my Faith. I gain opinions and ideas but I define my Faith. I go to Church and have Faith the stories are real. They have not scientifically been proved. I have a Faith that encompasses so much but I did not get it on my own. I define Faith in my eyes. I don't see everything like you. I see it differently. You may look up at the sky and see blue. I look up and see the peach, purple and blue of twilight with the hint of off white in the clouds. We see the same thing yet we don't so does that make you wrong? Does it make me wrong? Or does it just mean we see the same thing differently? If the latter is true then won't we and don't we define Faith differently and see it differently?
Look into your self, your soul. Look....Do you have a solid Faith? You never question it or teeter totter from it? Do you wonder "What if" in your Faith? Is your Faith like mine? I doubt it. Do I have the same Faith as my sister? Mother? Father? Husband? NO! We all grew up differently. We all had different experiences. We all are different ages. And we all have different wisdom. Does it mean we are wrong? No. It means we are different. My Faith is different. My Faith may have the same principles as yours. My Faith may be structured off the same story as yours. But my Faith may be different. Maybe my Faith is stronger or weaker. Maybe my Faith is more fictional or realistic. Either way my Faith is mine. I define it.
So what is Faith? I don't think it will ever be answered but I know a few things. I define my Faith and you define your Faith. I question my Faith in different things and I wish I could solidify it. I don't have the same Faith in things as my family and friends. It takes a little longer for me to find Faith on a plane (like when I land safely on the ground I have it). I do not need the proof to believe and you may tell me something is not real but I have Faith it is. My Faith is my own. I may see it differently from you but we both have Faith. My Faith is a plethora of things. So now there is only one question left. What is Faith to you? What is your Faith? Well, maybe two questions.

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