What a statement that is. So powerful. So strong. Such proof. No questioning. It's absolute. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Notice it does not say where you want to be or where you feel you need to be. It says where you are meant to be. That is Faith. My friend posted this as her status on FB. It made me think about it. I have to trust. Do you know who I am trusting? I am trusting Christ. I am trusting that he leads me in the right direction. I am trusting that he leads me where I want to be. I am trusting that HE is not leading me to be with him in Heaven because I do not feel I am ready for that. But...maybe HE needs me with him. Who am I to know my purpose on Earth? Who am I to know where I belong?
I need to have Faith. Faith will help me trust in HIM. Faith will let me know I am meant to be here. Why? Because with Faith I can trust, I can believe and I can know. So...are you where you want to be or need to be? I don't know. You don't know. But Christ knows. And if you are, then that is where you are meant be.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. I am going to trust it and try to increase my Faith. Are you?
Sometimes it is easier said than done... but well put, in any case.