Friday, October 1, 2010

Intolerance is not cool

I am currently watching 20/20 and the topic of Islam. I keep hearing on the news about the GLBT teens that have killed themselves over the past month. These stories show me so much about the "American Dream" and where we live. It makes me so sad. The US and people who call themselves Americans want everyone else in the world to think that the country is great and this is the place to be. I have lived here my whole life and I question it even more daily now than ever. 
I am African-American...maybe more so than the president. But everyone sees the color of his skin and he is horrible and everyone wants to say he put us (the U.S.) in this horrible state which is not true. People are blaming him and all they look at is the color of his skin. No one wants to put blame on the president before, light-skinned and dumb who has screwed the country. Born and bred in Texas, father a previous president and all he did was make things worst. He started a war looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction that never were and never have been in the Middle East. It reminds me of the KKK and Hitler. They started a war on people who were different. 
It started years ago with slavery of the blacks. Now, in 2010, people want to say we are in a better place. Discrimination is it really? I don't think so. We discriminate against people who look different. We discriminate against people who have a different religious background or sexual orientation. It is the same. Discrimination is discrimination no matter how it is dressed up.
Today discrimination is still here. We have teens killing themselves because they are bullied - straight or gay. We have gay teens killing themselves because of a lack of privacy, because they can not handle the abuse. I feel their pain. I know where they are coming from and I am not gay. It may have been a different form but it was still the same thing - Discrimination. It is sad how this world, this country has turned out. We just keep getting closer and closer to being where we were 150 years ago, even 50 years ago. It was not happy times. They say history repeats itself. I can only pray it won't repeat those times because they were horrible and call me selfish but I don't think I am strong enough to survive that. In order for history to repeat itself, it means we as people did not learn years ago and still have not learned. 
I don't want history to repeat itself but I think it slowly is subtle different forms. Whether you have a different belief, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or anything else...I DO NOT CARE. Stop Discrimination. Stand up for the right thing and help us get to a better place in life. Intolerance is not cool and never has been. Learn to love diversity and learn to love those who are different. I pray one day soon we as a whole can be accepting of all but I fear I won't be around for that.

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